AMERICAN HOLOCAUST and The Coming NEW WORLD ORDER 미국 대학살 그리고 신세계 질서가 오고 잇다.
This blog is about the coming crisis of MARTIAL LAW and the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for AMERICA!It also offers HOPE and the CHRISTIAN SOLUTION for their NEW WORLD ORDER's "FINAL SOLUTION."
Friday, July 12, 2013
Foreign Troops NOW ARRIVING Throughout "AMERIKA"-Guest Article
BREAKING NEWS:Strange Planes Landing At US Air Force Bases
Written by: B.K. Hyland Current Events July 8, 2013
There have been multiple civilian sightings of strange planes landing at American Air Force bases, all carrying UN troops and/or having UN markings (or none). My husband, a Vietnam vet, has been back and forth to Overton-Brooks VA Medical Hospital three times a week this month.
Barksdale Air Force Base, one of the most secure [former] Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases in the nation, has had unusual C-130s fly into Barksdale AFB and land at all hours. The interstate runs in front of the side and front of the base and is clearly visible with no restraints. (Barksdale is where President George W. Bush landed on 9/11, it is such a safe, secure, and well-guarded installation.)
These flights have been reported by other citizens and several of the military men who work inside the base have reported that the UN troops are given US military clothing and name tags. When our servicemen question this, the soldiers are told they did NOT see what they just saw. Base operations refused to confirm or deny or discuss these sightings.
사진에 나오는 비행기(U.S.AIR FORCE;미국 공군기)라면서, 기는 러시아기를 꽂아놓고 잇으며,미국군인이 아닌 유엔 군인들에게 미국군대옷과 이름표를 지급되엇다. 이사실을 시민들 그리고 군대기지 안에서 일하는 군인들에 의해 보도가 되엇다. 군인들이 이것을 질문을 햇을때, 그들이 방금 보앗던 것을,군은 보지 못햇다고 말햇다. 군대기지 운영자는 확인하는것 거부 또는 이 광경에 대해 논의하는것이 거부되엇다.
Lately, rumors and reports regarding the presence of foreign troops in the US working with our armed forces have been hitting public awareness.
이러한 사실이 후에 루머로 그리고 보도 되엇다.외국 군대와 함께 미국공군이 함께 일하고 잇다는사실을 대중이 알아채고 잇엇다.
기본적으로 정부는 이러한 출처에 대해 부인,그러나 현재 군은 증인들이 보고한 사실을 확인
러시아 군인을 FIMA와 함께 훈련. FIMA는 위급사태가 생겻을때, 관리하는곳입니다.(홍수,지진등), 미국에 넘쳐나는 군인, 세계로 뻗어잇는 수많은 미국군인을 마다하고, 러시아 군인을
굳이 ,그것도 미국시민들 위급사태가 생겻을때 관리하는 FIMA가 러시아군인과 함께 훈련하는 이유는? 위급사태가 생겻을때, 러시아 군대가 위급지역에 출동시키겟다는것, 넘쳐나는 미국 군대를 마다하고, 러시아군대를?미국은 이러한 사실들을 모두 숨기고, 부인하고 잇엇건만, 러시아가 확실히 말햇읍니다.
The question is why?
It appears that foreign troops are working with US troops, practicing on urban warfare, civil unrest, and civil disturbance scenarios. In Colorado, rumors of Russian troops practicing to deal with terrorist raids and martial law scenarios have been proven correct by our own US armed forces. Peterson AFB in Colorado is another base being used.
Bombshell New Book Reveals… How To Survive The Coming Martial Law In America
Of course, the definition of “terrorism” belongs to new world order advocates. According to the definition used by the NWO, a terrorist is anyone who opposes a takeover of their nation. That would make all NWO resistors and/or anyone who disagrees with the new world order plans potential terrorists.
Are You "A Terrorist" By Their Definition?
Do you believe in our national sovereignty and national Constitution? Do you believe in religious liberty and freedom of speech? Do you believe in the right to own guns and bear arms? Are you prepared to stand up and fight for your freedom if an order of martial law is imposed?
Then by UN/NWO definition, you are a terrorist!
The problem with these foreign troops being trained to intervene on American soil in SHTF scenarios which might occur here is that they have no loyalty to our Constitution, they have no loyalty to the inherent rights that have always been ours as American citizens, and they have no basis for restraint in any action they might perceive as necessary, regardless of our laws. They have no constitutional right to interfere in the internal events of our country.
NATO and the UN have the same goal, mission, and function: to subvert the sovereignty of the United States and the rest of the world, turning us all into a fascist worldwide state. Our government officials have proven time and again here lately that they are not to be trusted. Congress is nothing more than a rubber stamp for what the administration wants, not the representative body of the citizenry as it should be.
What catastrophic event is this administration preparing to implement now in order to seize the control they so desperately want?-END
Comment from Pamela-
Well, friends, here comes the fulfillment of what I have been writing about for 18 long years now. Here indeed come the foreign troops to perform the dirty work of arresting you, seizing your guns, firing upon you if you do no cooperate, and to lead you away to the prisoner boxcars with shackles and guillotines to be terminated as RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER under martial law. 외국인군대가 더러운일을 맡을것인데,협력을 하지 않으면, 당신은 외국인군대가 당신을 체포할것이고 ,당신에게 총을 겨눌것이고, 저항자들은 마샬법아래 수갑이 채워지고 감옥소로 보내며(.FIMA) 사형을 시킨다.
As the German military bragged in Alamogordo, NM, to intimidate the locals, they are here to do the dirty work that US troops don't want to do to fellow Americans under martial law. "And we Germans won't have a problem..." one German airman admitted to one local.
By the way, even as our own US military have been training on the military guillotines, to terrorize and behead NWO resistance, is it possible that FOREIGN TROOPS also have these NWO guilllotines and have been training to use them as well??? Of course. COMMUNIST CHINA has shipped many of these guillotines to America to use to kill Christians under martial law. 테러자 또는 신세계질서에 저항자들을 위한 사형대를 미국 군인들이 훈련받아왓다.
신세계질서 저항자 사형을 외국인 군대가 훈련을 받음이 가능하지 않은가? 물론이다.
중국 공산당이 이 사형대를 마샬법 아래 크리스챤을 죽이려고 미국에 보내졋다, |
윗기사는 참 무시무시한 기사 내용 입니다. 단두대에 대해 설명하고 잇읍니다. 또한 요한 계시록에 대한 내용과 함께.요한 계시록은 미래에 닥칠일을 예언해주엇읍니다.
여러분 우리가 확실히 알아야할것은, 성경은 누가 만들엇는가? 성경은 이미 앞으로 우리가 당할일을 암시해주엇읍니다.
성경이 말하는 하나님은 실제 누구인가? 종교는 누가 만들엇는가? 크리스챤은 누가 만들엇는가?를 깊이 살펴볼 이유가 잇읍니다.
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